Brent Aaron Coaching


I'm glad you're here!

Circle Shadow

Hello! I'm Brent Aaron.

"The quality of your life is determined by ​the quality of the questions you ask ​yourself."

do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Book a free consultation call with me today for ​life coaching services and together lets ​transform your life!

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What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is someone who helps you figure out what you want in life and how to get it. They talk with you about your beliefs, values, and actions to help you make a plan for improving yourself. The coach supports you, keeps you accountable, and guides you towards positive changes.

"The key to personal growth is

self-awareness. Only by knowing yourself can you become your

best self."

Handmade Underline Doodle

I'm passionate about helping people ​achieve their goals through life ​coaching. I take people from ​experiencing the "what" mindset to ​the "why" mindset of life. Don't wait ​any longer and start living the life you ​want. Contact me today!

Let’s Begin Living with Intent!

  • Are you tired of living on autopilot?
  • Do you crave a life that speaks to your soul and fills you with happiness? If you're ​nodding along, I GET YOU.
  • Do you find yourself overthinking and going around in circles? You're not alone! I’m ​here to help you break free from the mold and find your true self.
  • Are you ready to wave goodbye to society's expectations and say hello to a life that's ​genuinely YOU?
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Just by being here you’ve taken the first step ​to living a life that aligns more to what you ​want and who you are!

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What does it mean to


Living with intent is about navigating life with a heightened sense of self-​awareness and purposeful action. It means breaking free from the societal and ​familial expectations that may have unconsciously guided our choices and actions. ​Too often, people find themselves on autopilot, doing things because they feel they ​"should" or because it's the familiar path. However, to live with intent is to question ​these defaults, to step outside oneself, and to actively observe one's life.

It's a conscious choice to examine the motivations behind our actions and to ​understand why we do what we do, even if it doesn't resonate with our true selves. ​To live with intent is to embrace self-awareness as a compass for navigating life's ​complexities. It involves recognizing that overthinking and staying stuck in the ​thinking process hinder progress. Intentional living is, therefore, a call to action — ​a commitment to making decisions and putting them into practice. It's about ​empowering individuals to reevaluate self-appointed rules, to recognize alternative ​options, and to take bold steps toward crafting a life that aligns with their unique ​desires.

In essence, intentional living is a continuous process of self-​discovery, allowing individuals to uncover what truly brings them ​joy, fulfillment, and authenticity.

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"Living with intent is the profound ​realization that each decision is a ​brushstroke on the canvas of our life, ​and with each mindful stroke, we create ​a masterpiece of purpose and ​authenticity."

Embark on a transformative journey towards a life filled with intention, purpose, and joy. Your ​path to authentic living begins with a simple yet powerful choice — the choice to reach out ​and take the first step. I am here to engage you, support you, and celebrate your victories, big ​and small. Together, let's explore the boundless possibilities of intentional living and unlock the ​extraordinary potential within you. Your story is unique, and so is your path to intentional living. ​Contact me today, and let's begin this empowering journey together. Your best and most ​purposeful self awaits.

What to Expect on a Free Consultation Call

Picture your free consultation call like getting coffee with a friend. We will schedule a phone call where ​we discuss what inspired you to contact me, your current challenges and your goals for yourself. Its a ​friendly conversation with someone who wants to see you succeed, reduce your stress and help you ​live a more fulfilling life.

During our call, you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have about my services, ​and we will determine if we are a good fit to work together. As a professional, I am committed to ​maintaining a safe and inclusive space where you can feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and ​feelings with me.

I want you to leave our conversation feeling empowered and motivated to take action towards the life ​you want to live. Whether you are seeking support in your personal or professional life, I am here to ​support you every step of the way.

So, if you're ready to make positive changes and start living your best life, let's schedule that call and ​have a chat. I can't wait to hear from you!

"Success is not just about achieving your goals, it's about who you become in the process."

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consultation call

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What my clients are saying:

Patty R.

“Life Coach” was a term that I had heard before, but didn’t really understand how helpful talking things out with a neutral, yet caring and knowledgeable person could be. I had never talked to a Life Coach before, but Brent crossed my path at the perfect time. He is so easy to talk to, and he is so great at listening for the details that help empower you to think deeply and ponder a new perspective on life’s many challenges. Brent helped me talk and think through my career, family life, and even on my overall confidence and motivation to reach my own goals. I highly recommend seeking out Brent’s services! You will leave every conversation with more clarity on your goals for your days ahead.

Jessica N.

My time spent with Brent is something I look forward to every week. He creates a safe environment where I can really explore my challenges while encouraging me to push beyond my safe spaces. He is a fantastic listener and guides me to new insights without forcing me one way or another. My weekly takeaways have allowed me to stay focused on my goals and not let my motivation fade away in between sessions. I feel more self aware and focused after working with Brent.

Chris B.

I enjoyed working with Brent Aaron Coaching and have already recommended his services to friends. Even though we began with an introductory exercise, he easily allowed me to change direction and address what I thought I wanted to address in my life. I anticipated life coaching to be similar to a reflective therapy of “echoing” to help me consciously work through my challenge and make a change. However, Brent interjected useful insights and reframed themes which proved to make it a valuable coaching experience.

I appreciated the accountability without judgment and his earnest desire for my personal success.

David C.

I cannot express enough how grateful I am to have found Brent Aaron as my coach. As a gay man who came out later in life, I entered the dating scene with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The fear and uncertainty that came along with this journey were overwhelming, and I wasn't sure where to turn for guidance. Brent's perspective on intentional dating and his compassionate approach immediately put me at ease. From the very beginning, he helped me reframe my fears and anxieties, and come to the realization I am in control of my own destiny and happiness. This shift in perspective was incredibly empowering and gave me the confidence I needed to navigate the world of dating with newfound clarity.

What sets Brent apart is his genuine commitment to his clients. He took the time to understand my unique experiences, concerns, and aspirations. Through personalized coaching sessions, he guided me through the process of discovering my own worth and embracing my authentic self. Brent's unwavering support and encouragement have been invaluable in my journey towards finding love and building meaningful connections.

I wholeheartedly recommend Brent Aaron Coaching to anyone who is navigating the dating world. Brent's expertise, empathy, and unwavering support have made all the difference in my life. If you are ready to take charge of your own happiness and approach ALL relationships with intention, Brent is the coach you've been looking for.

Megan A.

I am so thankful I took the time to do some life coaching with Brent! At first I was hesitant, we all know how hard it can be to be vulnerable however Brent made it so easy for me to open up. I never once felt judged or like my thoughts and feelings weren’t valid. I love that he held space for me to truly think about what it was I wanted to work on and allowed me to guide where our sessions went. He knew how to pull me back on track if I started to sway away. He is a great listener and asked meaningful questions for me to reflect on. After working with Brent I can absolutely see a positive change in my personal and work life. He has such an amazing way of helping you look at your challenges/struggles and pushes you to look at them from a slightly different angle. I feel so much more self aware after working with Brent, I am also certainly more confident in myself as well. I am so thankful for Brent’s skills and I would without a doubt recommend him to be your life coach! Thanks Brent!